Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Disjointed Post

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been mysteriously missing for the past week or so. Much business + much emotional angst with friends has made me an unhappy Hathan.

On the up side, I love the U of M more every day, and realize it most when I'm walking down the city streets, munching a bagel from Brugers, listening to my ipod, watching the people go by on my way to the library where I'll find a good book before heading back to my quiet St. Paul dorm to hear the crickets out my window.

Good times.

I won't waste time filling you in on my days recently, since I don't remember anything interesting at the moment anyway, except that I love rock climbing, eating dinner and playing Kingdom Hearts with my roomie and roomies-across-the-hall, learning about dairy products, going new music shopping, and attempting to play the piano.

I do NOT like waking up for classes when I've been up too late, getting sick from cafeteria food last night, sitting through my Animals and Soc class, being angsty, and being without my guitar.

Things to do:
- Get financial aid done
- Fill out forms for study abroad
- Wait for reply to request to stay at St. Paul
- Study for giant Anthro test next Tues.
- Send Maddie her letter
- Be less angsty

Also, MADDIE!!! GO TO!!! I think you'll find it funny!
Apperently I was hot in '72.


Steven said...

Funny photo. Actually I could get somewhat nostalgic, being a member of the class of "72 and all. Looks like the photos in my yearbook. I kind of like it. The crazy hair provides a frame for your pretty face Alison.
Sorry to hear about your angst and the cafeteria food.
That area is a cool juxtaposition of urban and quiet, almost rural space. I like it too.
Study hard! Dad

Mad3lyn said...