Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Video Blog!

Love that it ends with me sticking my tongue out.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Quick Plug For Readership

Hey y'all!

Just an FYI that I've started a new blog at to complement this journal, and I'll be posting writing from a new project over there once a day. I've also put a link up on the right hand side of this page under "Other Blogs." I thought about putting it up here, but this is really my day to day journal sort of thing for people who want to keep up with what I'm doing, and it seemed right to have somewhere separate to post creative writing practice. So anyway, there it is, and I'd love to get feedback if you ever feel like reading in your spare time.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another "End Of An Era" Moment

Tonight was the last night hanging out with Gabe. I just don't know what I'm gonna do without him. He's the guy I can call in the middle of the night and know he'll want to hang out, the guy who will go outside and play with me when I'm feeling childish, and the guy who'll bike miles and miles with me without saying a word because we're both too wrapped up in our music. I haven't had a guy friend who I can pal around with, no pressure, and who I know this well, in a long time, and I'm gonna miss him a lot. I wish him the best of luck in his new life in Arizona, and I hope he'll come back soon!

That's making me feel some pre-loneliness, knowing that I won't have a buddy on-call at all times.

In other news, though, I'm in the midst of a legal battle over a motorcycle, and that's all I'll say about that right now. Other than the fact that I have some burns and bruises on my legs that hurt like the dickens. Major bummer.

And I still don't have a job. I was thinking about that in the shower today (where I do most of my brilliant thinking) and realizing that although I'm frustrated at not having a new job, I feel that I made the right choice in leaving Bluebird. I trust that what I need in life will present itself, and it will be up to me to act.
But there ARE prospects! I don't want to say anything else now (in case I jinx it!), but there ARE prospects!

I still don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I've got a crushing grip on hope.