Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Slow and Steady

My paper is NOT going steadily. But at least I've got a good idea where to start now. I've gotten to the point of reading through my sources and taking out quotes, and I have a vague idea of how I'm going to organize it, so that's where we are.

Meanwhile, I'm seriously considering heading to Scotland after October, and the best way to stay there for a while is to go back to school. I'm looking at the Scottish Agricultural College in Edinburgh as they have one year masters courses in some pretty cool things, and if I get a degree from a UK school I get a 2 year work visa.
Just a thought.

UGH. So many distractions online. No wonder my paper's not going very fast.

In big news, MY BIRTHDAY'S NEXT WEDNESDAY! Ok, I know it's not really big news. I once read that you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday after age 10. But still! Birthday!

I'm formulating a plan for a party the weekend after next (as this weekend is all full of Easter), so I'll let y'all know when I get it figured out. As for family, if you're reading this, I'm supposed to get a head count for dinner at the Melting Pot on Wednesday night. Who's it?!?!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I don't wanna even LOOK at my thesis stuff! I didn't feel like going out tonight, so I didn't.

But on the upside, it was a beautiful day! And I'm currently watching "The Invention of Lying" which is really quite funny. It makes me want to write a completely uncensored paragraph about my life and what I think about things, but if I've learned nothing else from after school specials, it's that sometimes you have to not tell the whole truth because you might hurt someone's feelings.

Know what I want, though? I want to learn how to farm this summer, then get on the first plane to Scotland, figure out how to get a job working at a farm in the country, then find somebody and get married, then get my own farm and have kids. ASAP.

And in order to procrastinate further, here's news:

I took Cricket to the vet last week during spring break because she was all itchy, and it turns out she has mites (they're not transferable to humans, they're just a kind all dogs have, and they usually aren't a problem unless the dog's immune system gets depressed and they try to take over). So now I'm giving her lots of medicine, but she's already looking better. Other than the itchyness, she's a happy puppy now that the weather's nice!

Also, last week was a great spring break. I got a little too inebriated the first weekend and got really sick, and now I don't think I'll ever have more than two or three drinks at one time, ever again. Lesson learned.
Next, I spent a bunch of the week hanging out with Lyss and going out to Stanton and building a cool chest-box thingy to keep all our gardening stuff in. We also made some good banana bread and let Cricket run around outside after the cats. It was a good week, overall, but I don't think I got enough rest.

So for this week, I'm trying to get back into the swing of school, which is NOT easy. But tomorrow is THURSDAY!!! That means there's only one more day until FRIDAY!!!

OH, and I bought a video to learn Tai Chi, which sounds kind of lame at first, but HERE'S WHY: I really want to learn, but every time I try to go to the U's Tai Chi club they change it to a time when I'm in class or somewhere else. So now I'm gonna learn it whenever I want! But I have to wait for it to come in the mail. Exciting!

Getting things in the mail is so AWESOME!!!

Alright, alright. I'm gonna go try to outline that paper.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Doggy Twitches In Her Sleep And My Sister Sings Loudly

Dude, things are progressing at a slow pace.

I have a dog now, as can be attested to by Maddie's blog and numerous pictures, and that's spicing up life a little bit, but I'm still W....A....I...T...I...N...G for more exciting things, like graduation and my new job!


And in that nine weeks I have to write my 20-30 page senior thesis on the destruction of farming and the American countryside by Big Corn, which I haven't started yet, although I have the sources. I'm just so OVERWHELMED by it! I made the mistake of saying in my prospectus that

"As a student of anthropology and agriculture I have learned that the number of acres planted to corn in the United States has grown exponentially over the last fifty years, and that while the average size of farming enterprises in the Corn Belt has grown, the number of farms has dropped, and that this has created many changes in the life of the modern American farmer. In this paper I seek to find the reasons behind these changes, determine whether these changes have been helpful or detrimental to the Corn Belt, and if they prove to be harmful I intend to put forth a solution for a better rural America in the years to come."

SOOOOOOO basically I have to come up with a pretty awesome answer to the problem of the disappearing small farm. Way to bite off more than you can chew, Hathan.

Meanwhile, though, I'm having fun volunteering at St. Martin's Table, which I like to describe as a hippy Christian bookstore cum local food restaurant in my free time on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I work for between three and five hours serving tables and all the tips and part of the proceeds go to charity, and I get a delicious from-scratch free lunch to boot! WHAT A DEAL as my father and grandfather would say.

So, yes. Stress about my thesis, volunteering, dog, general boredom....what else?


SPRING BREAK IS NEXT WEEK! I'd totally forgotten, but a blessed week of hanging out at home is nearly upon us! I think I might take a day or two to go check out Bluebird Gardens and meet my new boss, but we'll have to see.

So that's about all the news for now. Except that Maddie is recording a lot of music in our house lately, and it all sounds awesome. If you have a chance to hear her and Jordan Taylor together, DO IT. They've recorded a few originals, and I like what I've heard.

Later days!