Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pictures From The Farm

Here's the farm house! Jenny and I live in the basement.

This is the old farm house on the property, which is pretty rundown but still livable. Aka: The boy's house.

This is Maddie, our farm dog, such as she is! She actually has a lot more personality than any other small dog I've ever met, and she looks like a little fox when she gets all wet.

This is part of the kitchen in the boy's house where we all make dinner. Bill and Alejandro and I were making guacamole!

Here are some of the northwestern fields! Mark's out doing something with one of the tractors... Oh! And that's our wind turbine! It pumps all the water for irrigation from the wells.

Here's the youngest flock of chickens. For some reason Mark chose to get the general "feed them 'till they can't stand up" breed, and they're the stupidest little things I've ever seen. But I kind of like them anyway :-). Can't get too attached, though, 'cause we have to butcher them eventually...

Some of the pretty lettuce mix we've been selling! I love looking at our fields and seeing all of the different colors!

That's all for now! More pictures to come eventually!

1 comment:

Knotaen said...

Soooo many white peeps!

And Bethany would love that dog.