Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Quick Update


I'm truckin' along on this paper which is finally started (I've got four and a half pages written and quotes ready for another three or four), and I contacted my adviser and asked about a due date, so D-day is now


Y'all ready?? Ready for some serious STRESS WRITING????

Actually, I'm feeling a lot calmer now that I've started. When I'm out in class or something and thinking about it I can feel myself get tense, but I'm learning to be aware of it and let it go. When I DO sit down to work, I feel like I don't have to worry as much because I'm DOING something about the problem, so this translates into me having my paper up on my desktop most of the time in case I think of anything to write. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean that this paper has taken over my life. But only for another 10 DAYS OH MY GOSH ONLY TEN DAYS

Ok. Breathe.

In other news, I've been doing yoga at least once if not twice a day for the past week and a half to two weeks, and I'm getting mighty flexible! Yay! Also, Tai Chi is going well, and I've almost got two sessions memorized.

I woke up this morning thinking about how to describe myself right now, and I remembered something that Anne Shirley says when someone asks her how she's doing: "I am well in body, but considerably rumpled up in spirit, thank you." Remembering it made me laugh, and also made me feel better about feeling like I have to describe two things about myself right now; mind state and body state. So currently, I am well in spirit but rumpled up in body, as I seem to have caught the weird cold Mom had last weekend. Here's to lots of tea and hot showers!

So how are you doing today?

1 comment:

Steven said...

Yaayyyy! You've got a start. Way to go! Now the wheels are rolling and you're going to write a great paper. I know it. I'm kind of stressed and facing allot of catch up work in the office. But that's a good thing. Thanks for asking. Keep us posted on your paper progress!