Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'm Having A Crisis

What the heck do I really want??

The future seems so open but everything feels so impossible. I want to change the world. I want to leave this place better than I found it. I need to do something MEANINGFUL with my life! I can't handle the idea of sitting in a cubicle or dying before I've made this life worth while. I want to DO something!

And does farming constitute this thing I want? Will it fulfill this need? I have this drive to fix problems and help people and save the world, and it seems like such a waste to not use it for something powerful. But WHAT??

Ach. What am I supposed to be doing with my life?

1 comment:

Mad3lyn said...

have FUN. be happy and love babies and chickens and old people. love your SISTER and wash the CAR! make pasta and cruise to tunes. hug julia. laugh your silly huge laugh. dance around with little arm movements.

and be calm sometimes