Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My cold from Mexico has come back with a vengeance. Either this is the SAME cold, or Maddie gave me hers. Either way, I am sick, and unhappy. :-(

And on top of that, our hot water heater is busted or SOMETHING, so no hot showers for me.

Whine, whine, complain.

Here I sit, surrounded by dirty dishes and homework that I haven't done, spending all my energy trying desperately to breathe through my nose. This is a sad state of affairs.

It's the second week of classes, and I'm already missing things. This cold, combined with my new-found senioritis, is becoming a problem.

And I've had so many interesting revelations and cosmic thoughts latley that I was planning on blogging about, but they've been pushed rudely out of my head to make way for snot and a headache.

I hope I get over this soon. Sorry for all the moping. :-S

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