Friday, January 22, 2010

An End And A Beginning

Alright everyone, I'm falling seriously behind. I could theoretically try to backlog and write more about Mexico, but I think I'll just do a quick overview and then give you a look into Spring semester!

So, Mexico was friggin' awesome. After we came back from Acapulco, where we went dancing, swimming in the ocean at 2:30 in the morning and spent hours on the beach, we had one week left. The last week in Cuernavaca was a great mix of intense studying and partying with friends. Finally, it was Friday and we woke up and took our big exam. I felt alright about it, but I won't know how I did for several weeks! I'm betting I got a B in the class, which is pretty darn good for a three week class that covered 12 weeks of information, but we'll just have to wait and see.

The last night was wild. We got out of class at 2, went back to the house to pack and get organized, had our last dinner with our wonderful host family, and then went over to the Frat House (our nickname for the house of the family who was hosting 8 guys, one of them being Kyle). We stayed there for a while, letting everyone gather and get ready to go, and then headed out to Juarez, the dance club in the Zocalo. Many hours later we emerged, starving, and about half of us made our way to a late night pizza place for a little midnight snack. By this time, though, it was 2:30am, and my bus for the Mexico City airport was scheduled to leave at 4:45. After pizza Greta, Jackie, Jannessa and I went back to the house and I sat up for half an hour until my taxi left. Then, to the bus station, then to the airport, then to Dallas, a five hour layover, then to Minneapolis, and then home!

I can't say I miss having to be paranoid about water and food, or the lack of toilet paper in public bathrooms, but I do miss my cute host-mom and her delicious cooking, and the fun of living with Greta and Jackie, and the really nice Mexican people I've met. But now I'm back home, and that feels pretty darn good too.

So here's the down-low on this semester. I'm only taking four classes, and I only have to go to three of them 'cause the fourth is my senior paper! What a relaxing time. And this means I have time to work out every day, and maybe time to get a job. So here's my schedule:
-Religion and Culture - MWF 3:35-4:25
-Philosophic Anthropology - MWF 11:15-12:05
-Sex, Evolution and Behavior - TTh 2:30-3:45
-Lab - T 10:10-11:00
And I'm working out between 4 and 6 every day. Yay, getting in shape!

AND I have a interview on Monday for a server's assistant job! We'll see if I get it!

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