Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bullet Points/Stream of Thought

-I'm turning in my application for study abroad in Mexico tomorrow! I'm taking out loans to cover it, so we're gonna make it work.
-I feel swamped with work, as usual, but yet I don't feel crushed. I feel like I care less, or like there are more important things. I don't know.
-I'm emotionally confused.
-I don't feel like talking about it right now.
-I wish our new modem would come in the mail! They told me the new modem would be here, but it isn't. Gotta remember to call those guys.
-I realized a few days ago that the reason my sleep schedule is so wonky these days is because of my meds. Whenever I change the dose I end up needing a lot more sleep than usual. That's why I've been sleeping through classes more than usual! Back before I got on my meds I only needed around seven hours of sleep per night, and now I'm exhausted if I don't get between nine and ten. Go figure.
-I have a new computer, and I LOVE it! It's so light and small I can take it to classes with me without breaking my back! And it's so fast and responsive! Everything works like a charm.
-I wish I could have an extended weekend. I feel a bit burnt out.
-I got some new jeans last weekend with dad, and they fit really nice. It's good to have jeans that I really like again. I mean, ones that aren't totally ripped up. :-)
-I feel blank and crammed with thought at the same time.

I know that I started this journal to keep people updated on my life, but at this point I just feel like writing feelings more than anything else. It seems like I censor myself because I know other people will be reading this, and that makes me I think from now on I'm going to try to put more of myself up here. I hope no one is too offended. I'm just a 21 year old kid, after all. :-)

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