Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I don't wanna even LOOK at my thesis stuff! I didn't feel like going out tonight, so I didn't.

But on the upside, it was a beautiful day! And I'm currently watching "The Invention of Lying" which is really quite funny. It makes me want to write a completely uncensored paragraph about my life and what I think about things, but if I've learned nothing else from after school specials, it's that sometimes you have to not tell the whole truth because you might hurt someone's feelings.

Know what I want, though? I want to learn how to farm this summer, then get on the first plane to Scotland, figure out how to get a job working at a farm in the country, then find somebody and get married, then get my own farm and have kids. ASAP.

And in order to procrastinate further, here's news:

I took Cricket to the vet last week during spring break because she was all itchy, and it turns out she has mites (they're not transferable to humans, they're just a kind all dogs have, and they usually aren't a problem unless the dog's immune system gets depressed and they try to take over). So now I'm giving her lots of medicine, but she's already looking better. Other than the itchyness, she's a happy puppy now that the weather's nice!

Also, last week was a great spring break. I got a little too inebriated the first weekend and got really sick, and now I don't think I'll ever have more than two or three drinks at one time, ever again. Lesson learned.
Next, I spent a bunch of the week hanging out with Lyss and going out to Stanton and building a cool chest-box thingy to keep all our gardening stuff in. We also made some good banana bread and let Cricket run around outside after the cats. It was a good week, overall, but I don't think I got enough rest.

So for this week, I'm trying to get back into the swing of school, which is NOT easy. But tomorrow is THURSDAY!!! That means there's only one more day until FRIDAY!!!

OH, and I bought a video to learn Tai Chi, which sounds kind of lame at first, but HERE'S WHY: I really want to learn, but every time I try to go to the U's Tai Chi club they change it to a time when I'm in class or somewhere else. So now I'm gonna learn it whenever I want! But I have to wait for it to come in the mail. Exciting!

Getting things in the mail is so AWESOME!!!

Alright, alright. I'm gonna go try to outline that paper.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Oi. If you do end up going to Scotland and having a farm, can I PLEASE come and work on it? That would be the best ever.