Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pretty Sunset Outside

Wow, talk about procrastination! I thought I'd have gotten in a whole afternoon of homework by this time, at least, but no.

Yesterday I went to the Scotland v. Italy rugby game, and it was AWESOME! I took a train to Edinburgh around noon, then followed the MASSIVE crowds of people to Murray Stadium. I didn't have to look at the map once! Just follow the crazy people in kilts toting bagpipes! Such national pride; I was pretty envious. I think part of it has to do with the fact that Europeans play sports against other countries, and they don't do the dumb teem name thing. Your team isn't "the Jazz" or "the Packers" or "the Bulls." You're just SCOTLAND!! and you play other countries (or in Scotland's case, nation-states)! It was great, sitting in the stadium which isn't even as big as the Metrodome, and hearing all the Italians singing their anthem, and then hearing the crazy mass of people sing Scotland's anthem as loud as they could! Crys of "I-TAL-IA!" and "SCOT-LAND, SCOT-LAND" were ringing from everywhere, and I was up the nosebleed seats! I can't imagine how loud it must have been down near the field.

Anyway, it was great fun, and I ate really greasy and overpriced fish and chips, just for the experience of the thing, throughout the first half.

There will be more pictures of the match on Flickr, for those of you that want to see, as well as some other pictures of previous events that I can now put up thanks to Dad's donation to my account! :-)

So, I got back last night, wrapped my cold self up in a blanket with a cup of tea, and finished watching "Long Way Round," which reminded me how lucky I am to be traveling, and to be able to visit all of these great places and meet such nice people, especially since there was a time when I wondered if I'd ever really be able to live away from home. Life is good.

Today I woke up, tramped over to the Logie Kirk on the outside of the campus towards the East, and (for lack of a better or faster route, since church was starting) climbed and dropped over a six foot stone wall, landing squarely in the mud. So, I was a bit muddy when I walked in, but they handed me a hymn book and a bulletin and a room full of smiles when I got there! Such nice people, and such a funny minister! But it made me miss St. John's a lot, and all the people there. Pastor Mark, if you happen to be reading this, since I know I gave you the address, be excited, because I'm saving all of the bulletins from all the churches I visit to give you when I get back!

So, back from church, washed my muddy self and my muddy laundry, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned my room, made some lunch, and I've been doing ALL SORTS of work! But, no homework yet. I did, however do something that Will suggested (he's been doing it to remember all of his important dates) which is to write down all of your deadlines for classes in order, and put them up on your wall. That way you see them all the time, and you can work on them as they're coming up, and you just keep crossing them off the list. This system is working a lot better than the planner system I use at school in the states, because here there may not be anything due in a class for weeks at a time, so you stop looking at your planner. The wall list is much better.

Here's my list!

As for this week, there's not much coming up. I'll be working on my history reports, and that's about it, I think. There IS a plan in the works to go to the Isle of Skye either this coming weekend or the next, but nothing's set in stone yet. I'll let y'all know when I do!


Mad3lyn said...

MY BATTERY IS DYING so I can't say much other than I'VE NEVER BEEN MORE JEALOUS IN MY LIFE, I want to be abroad right now!!!! And I want to be doing what I want to be doing instead of being careful to phrase things in certain ways so that parents agree with my decisions and AHHHHHHHH I want to be far away.

Also I want fish and chips.

And to watch European football players.

Miss you,


Steven said...

I envy you too Alison. You're having a great time. I'm happy for you. What is a Logie Kirk? The name seems to say Church of the Word. What flavor is it? And what was funny about the minister? Dad

Alison said...

Whinny: I wish you could visit me! I'd get you lots of fish and chips. Miss you too!

Dad: A kirk is the name for a church over here, like a parish church, sort of. Logie is just where the kirk happens to be! It's part of the Church of Scotland.

Mark Eric said...

Alison, Thanks for saving bulletins for mom does the same thing! It sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. Keep enjoying it all and keep taking photos of cool birds and their cool bird feet.

Take care, Pr. Mark