Saturday, October 18, 2008


Guess what?!
A lot has happened lately!

Instead of writing a bunch, I will list.

1) I got super stressed at the beginning of this week because I was bogged down with an unreasonable amount of work. Nearly died.
2) Everything got better on Wednesday night after all my big projects were done. AND I GOT ALL MY APPLICATION INFO IN TO ARCADIA!!!
3) I am now waiting to hear back on whether or not I get to go to SCOTLAND!! Yay, Scotland!! I'm also waiting (they said this would be done by last night, but it wasn't) to see how much financial aid I'm getting this year. Our account is past due because of this, but the nice people in the office realize that this is their fault, not mine.
4) (Apropos of nothing:) I LIKE LISTENING TO REALLY LOUD MUSIC!!!!!
5) Since all of my homework was done, I spent Thursday night and part of yesterday creating something totally awesome. I made her up. Look!I also made her a dress. Joanne Fabrics sales are the best.

6) Last night I hung around with my roomie and read and watched Buffy and played video games. Good times.
7) Today we spent most of the day trekking to PetsMart to get our new illegal friend, Moshi!!!
Say hello to Moshi, everyone!
Sorry these pictures aren't better, but she's so darn FAST that she always looks like a cute brown blurr.

8) I am now going down to Open Mic night in Rock Bottom. I thought about playing, but I think I'm just gonna watch and listen. Maybe next time.



Mad3lyn said...

how the HECK did you make that rabbit????? I WANT TO LEARN TO MAKE THEM PLEASE TEACH ME SOON.

Alison said...

I made it up! There isn't a pattern or anything. I just crocheted a tube thing for the body, then more tube things for the arms and legs, and a funny shape for the head! And some ears! :-S

So, first you have to learn to crochet.

Anonymous said...

I love the bunny. I want her. She's awesomely adorable. I think her name is "Flopsy", right? :-)

Steven said...


You're a cool kid! Don't think I could ever anticipate your next move. How did you think of that!?? Adorable design. I know it's the last thing on your mind, but you could sell a million of 'em.

Speaking of your creativity, Man Hong and their kids were over looking at Pip and Piper, and I was proudly telling him that you had designed and built the chicken coupe, and he was very impressed.

love you!