Monday, May 21, 2012


I took this picture on September 26th of last year. I’d just read these words somewhere (I never did write down the source), and they resonated with me. Even though, at the time, I was feeling pretty directionless and cruddy, I felt like I was on the edge of discovering something wonderful, if only I could be patient long enough to watch it unfold.

Cut to eight months later, and I’ve met several amazing people who have literally changed my life; made it more friendly and exciting, full of love and opportunities for growth, music and words and sunlight. I’ve moved up to the Big City (and I’m about to go explore a whole new state), learned how to deal more effectively with my anxiety, and gotten into a graduate program that I’m enthused about to a really dorky extent.

And yet even now, this morning, as I looked at these words still taped to my bedroom mirror, I’m feeling it again; like there’s something great waiting for me. I know there will be rough patches and disappointments and bruises and tears, because that’s part of life, but today, in this moment, I am unbelievably excited about the future. I just have this feeling that the next couple of years are going to be great. I don’t know what they’ll be like yet, but I can tell that they’ll be filled with that unfathomable beauty.

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