Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lonely Road

The more I think about it the more convinced I am that most of the problems with “kids today” are related to loneliness.

Without going into a long rant about society, I’ll just say that our separation from the people around us has gotten ridiculous. Considering the number of people on the planet, this seems absurd. We’re lonely in a crowded room.

Technology has changed this in a way, because we can now contact the people we know best at any distance, but take away a kid’s cell phone, laptop and ipod and they begin to feel the separation.

Not that people haven’t felt this before. I think the feeling of separation is something all teenagers go through. But I would argue that kids today feel it more keenly.

Texting, random internet surfing, pot, TV, alcohol, sex; all used to get outside ourselves and our loneliness, and to connect with others to some extent.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about this a lot because I’ve been feelin’ the loneliness in a concentrated way for the last few weeks. I’ve been immersing myself in books and TV and living in another world whenever possible. Somehow this life of get-up-go-to-class-work-out-come-home-eat-do-homework-sleep just doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. I’m SO ready to be done with school. I can’t stand asking myself “what the heck am I doing with my life?” every morning.

I’m ready for action. Let’s get on with it!

1 comment:

Steven said...

I like your attitude in the face of loneliness. "I’m ready for action. Let’s get on with it!" And it's good timing because you've only got 2 1/2 months left! Way to go Alison. You've done well in college and now you're equipped to commence the next exciting chapter of your life. Don't let the loneliness get to you. I have two suggestions - 1. Let it work for you. Use the time to broaden your inner (spiritual) life. Your TDP is a great resource for that. Check it out! 2. Be creative and intentional about putting yourself out into the middle of people. (Join a class or two at the gym. Get involved in a church group. Choir? Get a part time job. Get a dog. :-) You'd be surprised at how many conversations you get into walking a dog! Join an art class.) And when you do, initiate conversations with a giving attitude. After all, you have allot to offer. Don't keep it to yourself! :-) Love you.