Sunday, May 3, 2009

What's Up

I'm updating because I haven't in a while! Yay!

Let's see. What's new?
Well, I'm done with all of my projects for the semester, and Monday is my last day of classes. That means, starting Tuesday, I'm free to travel for the rest of the month, with the exceptions of the 13th, 20th and 22nd, when I have finals. And I've just gotten all my papers back but one, and so far I've been gravitating between A's and B's for everything! Yay for me, considering A's are really hard to get here!

So that's school. As for the rest of life, things are a bit angsty, but good. I've been spending a lot of time with Erica and Will, and been hanging out with Michelle and Sandy quite a bit, too. Will and I went to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" last week, and it was pretty good! And last night we went to see "X-Men: Origins," and Wolverine was AWESOME.

Currently I'm listening to the service at St. John's and hearing all the stories about shepherds. Someday I'm going to be a shepherd, and this college degree won't matter at all. ;-)

But today it's sunny, and after about a week of rain I'm feeling good! I'm planning on going out and reading Watership Down (which I'm almost done with, and I love! Thanks, mom!). And also there are cookies in the kitchen, 'cause Will and I made them last night (and had a cookie dough fight), and that makes the day doubly good.

Right now I'm missing home quite a bit. Even though I have a lot of things I want to do before I leave Scotland, and I know I'll be sad to leave my friends here, I would really like the next two weeks to be over so I can come home.

But I'll try to update again in the between times.

Quote of the day:
"The only death we have to fear is behind us."


Mad3lyn said...


Remember that time we talked until 3 in the morning your time? Just 'cause you're done with school and it doesn't matter? Well I'm extremely tired of all this hogwash in Wisconsin and LET ME TELL YOU that when I finish with this place, I will eat cookies and make French toast and play outside ALL I WANT. I will also travel. Because you have a whole month just to travel. And I want that. Pooooooooooooop.


Mad3lyn said...

also GOOD JOB ON THOSE GRADES!!! Congratulations, you're the best!!! You deserve a thousand cards and MANY presents. I hope I don't fail every class.