Alright, I've made it to Bluebird Gardens in Fergus Falls, and here's what I know so far:
-THE FARM HAS WIRELESS. But I won't have a lot of time to be on it.
-I'll be getting paid at the end of every week.
-We're currently getting to work at 7 or 8 am (depending on if it's a CSA delivery day) but it'll get earlier through the summer.
-I am one of ten interns, and so far I am one of two girls, but we're waiting for another to arrive any day.
-I'm sharing a room with Jenny and the Other Girl (don't know her name yet) in the basement of the main house, but my bed has my quilt on it, so I'm comfy in my new space.
-This farm is BIG! This is their first year doing a CSA and they already have 400 members, so everything is MAJORLY hectic.
-Mark, my new boss-man, used to be a 3rd grade teacher, so he's very upbeat and wants to hear everyone's suggestions on how to do things. He got very excited about the fact that I brought my books on chickens, as we're having trouble herding the youngest broilers into the coops at night.
-I hadn't been here fifteen minutes before I was bustled out the door to plant pumpkins. Whew!
-So far there really isn't a whole lot of structure to anything. Everyone seems to know what they're doing mostly, but Jenny (who got here a week ago) says that you just pick things up as you go along and that she was clueless at first too.
-As of now I'm not feeling too anxious about things, but it hasn't gotten dark yet, so we'll see how it goes. I'll be happy to see the sunrise tomorrow. :-)
This is Alison, signing off from her first day of work in the Real World.
It sounds so nice there, it makes even me want to come live on the farm ! And wireless too. You may not spend allot of time on it, but sure is handy to have it.
And welcome to the real world. I think you're there. :-)
I was SO glad to read this. I think after you settle in you'll really like all this opportunity has to offer you.
And just for fun, you can get some tips from these guys:
Chicken Busters
Hay Alison! (Note: misspelling of "hey" was deliberate. Get it? : ) Sounds like great people that will keep you hopping! If anyone can herd chickens, it's you! Just soak it all up and learn as much as you can. My guess is you will be so tired most nights that sleep will come easily and quickly. Keep us posted!
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