Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Have A Job!

Guess what, everyone??

It's only February and I have a job lined up for June, after I graduate. How cool am I? Pretty darn cool, that's how.

I'm going to be working at Bluebird Gardens up in Fergus Falls:
Check out the staff page and you'll see me and the other interns!

It's so nice to know that I have my future figured out at least until October, so I don't have to start freaking out about my life yet.

I'm meeting with a pretty cool small group thingy on Wednesday nights during Lent at the ELCA church on campus, too, which is helpful. It's all about trying to figure out what you're supposed to do with your life, but instead of just being a bunch of college students, it's actually me, two other students, and four or five adults in their 50's and 60's. Talk about inter-generational perspectives. Awesome. And it's nice to know that there are people older than me who don't have it all figured out yet.

And I'm excited for this weekend! Lots of people to meet up with, and lots of stuff to do. Good times shall be had.

But for now I'm off to toss back a few with my amigos from Mexico.

Later days!

P.S. Just in case you need the date, I'll be graduating on May 16th, 2010. Woohoo!!

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