Monday, February 1, 2010


Hey everyone! Good news! I'm not sick anymore, and I'm in a much better mood overall! This is good for me, and also good for you as you won't have to listen to me be pathetic for a while.

I'm trying something new in the next few days. Inspired by some really cool people including Jeph Jacques, Erica Moen and Athena Currier, I have decided to have some fun with drawing and try to comic-ify my next few entries. Know this in advance: I have little to no real artistic talent, so this may be somewhat of a mess, but it'll be fun! So, without further ado, here's my first attempt and 2d-ing myself.

So for the next few days I'm gonna try my hand at being witty and putting it down in graphic form, and we'll see how it goes. I'm ALSO going to finally set up the printer dad gave Maddie and I for Christmas, so I'll be able to scan what I draw instead of taking pictures.

Wish me luck!

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