So, here's some stuff, and some thoughts. Disjointed and mostly happy. :-)
I went and played at the Open Mic coffee house we had in Bailey! I didn't think I'd be up to playing, but as it turned out they needed a few more people, and it wasn't TOO intimidating, so I went up and got my guitar and played "One Year, Six Months" by Yellow Card and "The Animals Were Gone" by Damien Rice. Both pieces went pretty well, although, since I'd just learned "One Year, Six Months" it was a little rocky. That one'll be improving soon, I hope. It was a fun time, though, and I got to hear some AWESOME poetry by Tiffany, the RA on the 4th floor. She's got some really cool rhymes and similes, and every single poem she recited was really new and beautiful. I wish I could write like that, but it's cool to be there when someone else gets that creative bug.
I'm working on a new crochet animal! Y'all will just have to wait and see!
I went to check out the student led church service at the University Lutheran church here last night, and it was nice. We used the same Haugen vespers service that St. John's uses in our Lenten services, so it felt a lot like home! I also learned more about the Lutheran Volunteer Corps, which is a bit like Americorps, but different. Basically, you apply to the program for a year (it pays, which is nice), and you go to live in one of fifteen cities in the US working on social justice and environmental issues, which is right up my alley. Their three tenants are "social justice, commitment to intentional community, and ecological sustainablilty," all of which I am 100% for. A possible after-college option.
I'm starting on a 9 week/2 month health extravaganza! Say hello to a healthier Alison who eats even better, and excersizes like a maniac. There is, of course, more to it than that, but this is all I'm prepared to say about it at present.
I find that I have a problem with people who are not understanding and compassionate. These are qualities I need to keep nurturing in myself, I know, but I find it almost unbearable when others refuse (or don't think) to put themselves in the shoes of someone else. Just try to understand, people, instead of pronouncing judgement and passing that on to your nearest friend in the form of criticism. Quit sniggering at that guy's haircut and that girl's glasses. When it comes down to it, they are you. You are them. We are all loved equally, together.
Books are cool! I'm reading one right now called "The Chemistry of Joy: A Three Step Program For Overcoming Depression Through Western Science and Eastern Wisdom" by Henry Emmons, M.D. It's a pretty amazing read, and I'm not even halfway through. Lyss recommended it to me because she's going to be meeting with the author (who, I just found out, works at the Northfield Allina Clinic and may be Eric Emmon's dad?). Even though I don't technically have depression, the causes and responses of anxiety are often the same, and Dr. Emmons is revolutionizing the mind-body connection when it comes to these illnesses by writing in a clear way that makes sense and (I hope) will give people a new understanding. I'm taking his advice into major account with my new health project, especially when it comes to the foods and diet that increase serotonin and serotonin receptors, which will up my mental resiliance and help me deal with my anxiety in a more wholistic manner.
Wow. A lot of run on sentences in this post, but then, I've always been prone to them!
Tomorrow is Tuesday, which means a lot of running around to classes, but this week is going to be fairly laid back. And there will be a new crochet animal by Friday, so expect pictures.
Later, folks!
Lots of cool happy stuff in here, Hathan! And yes, Henry Emmons is Eric's dad. I've been planning to read that book myself but haven't gotten around to it, so please give it to me after you're done... you've piqued my interest.
And I still get to be snarky about hair and glasses etc though, because you know that underneath it all I'm very compassionate and understanding.
Oh, so THAT'S your excuse. ;-)
HEY ALISON way to go on the health plan. This means little to no processed foods, right? RIGHT?!?!!?
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Madelyn
I had lunch at St Olaf yesterday and LVC had a table set up in the Commons area. I checked it out and listened to the guy for a bit. Good group.
The chickens are getting big. Either that, or their house is getting smaller.
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