Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I just got selected for backstage passes to meet OneRepublic tomorrow night.

Yep. No one is going to be as excited about this as I am, but that's life. :-)


Tomorrow is going to be awesome. I get to meet Ryan Tedder and the guys from the band, and get photos and autographs, and then get to listen to SWEET music for a few hours and yell my lungs out.

This is going to ROCK.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Coat!

I skipped class this afternoon and went shopping instead.

That's right. I did it.

But I figured it wouldn't kill anyone. Unless I got hit by a bus or something, which I didn't. :-)

And I bought A NEW COAT. A pea coat, to be exact, which is made of wool, and which I really love. I do need to find my scarf, however, as my neck is now cold.

New coat!
New coat on me!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I Miss High School Sometimes.

It's not that I miss high school itself (I wouldn't go back if someone paid me), but there were some really good times, and I find myself thinking of it as "back when I was a teenager," which is pretty weird.

I miss not having a driver's license and walking all over town. Right now I miss walking over that hill by Sibley back when we rode the bus. Back when I wore my headphones everywhere, even in class, and thought I was pretty punk rock. I miss painting my fingernails black, and seeing that Wes, Dita and Ben had all done it too. I miss writing terrible poetry in study hall.

I miss Ken!! He called me late last night so I didn't answer, but miss hanging out with him. He's my doppelganger. I've always seen him as the way I might have turned out if I'd been basically ditched by my family when I was young. We used to have some sweet times back in the day. I miss the days when it was me and Wes, Dita and Ben, and Ken and Angie. We used to stand around playing pool for hours and listening to Nirvana, Green Day and Blink 182.

It's funny now seeing the kids in freshman and sophomore year, including Julia, being at the age I was when all this was happening. They seem so young. I was only 14 during that crazy first high school summer with all the friend drama. I remember feeling so old, but I wasn't even sixteen!

Obviously I'll be saying all this again in five years, about how much I miss the "good old days," but I just had a sudden attack of nostalgia.

I guess I would go back, for maybe a day, as long as I could get out of the homework.

Monday, October 20, 2008

News and Musings

So, here's some stuff, and some thoughts. Disjointed and mostly happy. :-)

I went and played at the Open Mic coffee house we had in Bailey! I didn't think I'd be up to playing, but as it turned out they needed a few more people, and it wasn't TOO intimidating, so I went up and got my guitar and played "One Year, Six Months" by Yellow Card and "The Animals Were Gone" by Damien Rice. Both pieces went pretty well, although, since I'd just learned "One Year, Six Months" it was a little rocky. That one'll be improving soon, I hope. It was a fun time, though, and I got to hear some AWESOME poetry by Tiffany, the RA on the 4th floor. She's got some really cool rhymes and similes, and every single poem she recited was really new and beautiful. I wish I could write like that, but it's cool to be there when someone else gets that creative bug.

I'm working on a new crochet animal! Y'all will just have to wait and see!

I went to check out the student led church service at the University Lutheran church here last night, and it was nice. We used the same Haugen vespers service that St. John's uses in our Lenten services, so it felt a lot like home! I also learned more about the Lutheran Volunteer Corps, which is a bit like Americorps, but different. Basically, you apply to the program for a year (it pays, which is nice), and you go to live in one of fifteen cities in the US working on social justice and environmental issues, which is right up my alley. Their three tenants are "social justice, commitment to intentional community, and ecological sustainablilty," all of which I am 100% for. A possible after-college option.

I'm starting on a 9 week/2 month health extravaganza! Say hello to a healthier Alison who eats even better, and excersizes like a maniac. There is, of course, more to it than that, but this is all I'm prepared to say about it at present.

I find that I have a problem with people who are not understanding and compassionate. These are qualities I need to keep nurturing in myself, I know, but I find it almost unbearable when others refuse (or don't think) to put themselves in the shoes of someone else. Just try to understand, people, instead of pronouncing judgement and passing that on to your nearest friend in the form of criticism. Quit sniggering at that guy's haircut and that girl's glasses. When it comes down to it, they are you. You are them. We are all loved equally, together.

Books are cool! I'm reading one right now called "The Chemistry of Joy: A Three Step Program For Overcoming Depression Through Western Science and Eastern Wisdom" by Henry Emmons, M.D. It's a pretty amazing read, and I'm not even halfway through. Lyss recommended it to me because she's going to be meeting with the author (who, I just found out, works at the Northfield Allina Clinic and may be Eric Emmon's dad?). Even though I don't technically have depression, the causes and responses of anxiety are often the same, and Dr. Emmons is revolutionizing the mind-body connection when it comes to these illnesses by writing in a clear way that makes sense and (I hope) will give people a new understanding. I'm taking his advice into major account with my new health project, especially when it comes to the foods and diet that increase serotonin and serotonin receptors, which will up my mental resiliance and help me deal with my anxiety in a more wholistic manner.

Wow. A lot of run on sentences in this post, but then, I've always been prone to them!

Tomorrow is Tuesday, which means a lot of running around to classes, but this week is going to be fairly laid back. And there will be a new crochet animal by Friday, so expect pictures.

Later, folks!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Guess what?!
A lot has happened lately!

Instead of writing a bunch, I will list.

1) I got super stressed at the beginning of this week because I was bogged down with an unreasonable amount of work. Nearly died.
2) Everything got better on Wednesday night after all my big projects were done. AND I GOT ALL MY APPLICATION INFO IN TO ARCADIA!!!
3) I am now waiting to hear back on whether or not I get to go to SCOTLAND!! Yay, Scotland!! I'm also waiting (they said this would be done by last night, but it wasn't) to see how much financial aid I'm getting this year. Our account is past due because of this, but the nice people in the office realize that this is their fault, not mine.
4) (Apropos of nothing:) I LIKE LISTENING TO REALLY LOUD MUSIC!!!!!
5) Since all of my homework was done, I spent Thursday night and part of yesterday creating something totally awesome. I made her up. Look!I also made her a dress. Joanne Fabrics sales are the best.

6) Last night I hung around with my roomie and read and watched Buffy and played video games. Good times.
7) Today we spent most of the day trekking to PetsMart to get our new illegal friend, Moshi!!!
Say hello to Moshi, everyone!
Sorry these pictures aren't better, but she's so darn FAST that she always looks like a cute brown blurr.

8) I am now going down to Open Mic night in Rock Bottom. I thought about playing, but I think I'm just gonna watch and listen. Maybe next time.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mommy and Money

Let me take a moment to say this:

I love my Mommy!!!!

I don't know where I'd be without her. Stuck in college in Chicago, experiencing daily panic attacks, and not aware of half the awesome bands I currently love, probably. Even though I complain fairly frequently about food and parental frustrations and her occationally unreasonable requests (/orders), I am very thankful not only that she gave birth to me but that she has been my friend and council throughout my life thus far. She brings me out of stressful situations by telling me she'll handle things, and reminding me that things aren't so bad.

For instance, on Tuesday I had a meeting with my financial aid councilor here to figure out which financial aid could be applied to my studying abroad. Upon inquiring about this, I was given the news that we did not qualify for the Pell Grant or the Founder's Free Tuition program this year because our financial situation is a couple thousand dollars different. This means that instead of having one more year of tuition and bills paid for me by the government, I now need to secure student loans that will put me in debt for the forseeable future. Good job, Uncle Sam.

Understandably, I really just wanted to get out of the terrible councilor's terrible cubicle and go cry my eyes out somewhere, but instead had to listen to him go on for another twenty minutes about all the things I already knew I had to do. By the time I got out of the office I was feeling a bit panicky, and all my hopes and dreams of going abroad had been squashed under the heel of the Establishment.

I got out my cell phone and called Mom. I told her what had happened, and about how discouraged I was. We talked for a while, and finally I blurted out my worries about going abroad when we had so little money, to which she replied that if I was going to have to take money out to finish college, I might as well be paying for what I want. This immediately cheered me up, and made the sky seem a tad less grey (but not much, since it'd been pouring for hours).

I got on the bus back to St. Paul feeling a bit happier, and trying to figure out the logistics of money and currency and exchange rates. God willing, I'm going to be staying at the St. Paul campus and going to Scotland. My family is great, I'm currently happy, I get a nice loft bed in good accommodations with food (sometimes good, sometimes not). I have nice clothes, I have the love of my friends, and I have fictional characters and an imagination, and my music. Everything is going to be fine.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stream of Consciousness. And love.

I love learning things about cool new people. I love finding music in common. I love music. I love joking around with my roommate. I love cleaning our sink. I love being more complicated than the box allows. I love writing in my own answers. I love the realization that I don't know anything yet. I love going to the 24 hour grocery store with my best friend at two in the morning, and racing matchbox cars down the deserted isles. I love water. I love October air. I love crappy songs I used to identify with. I love playing guitar with a guy I just met. I love hiding from the RAs when we have a hall meeting. I love being 20 and 1/2 in two days. I love really good, hearty, whole wheat bread. I luv speling foneticly. I love having really talented friends. I love my friends. I love a strategically placed swear word. I love my desire to be a better person. I love my infatuation with romance. I love my middle name, and it's namesake. I love my need to learn new things. I love dogs. I love the way you make me feel. I love the person I'm going to marry someday. I love the uncertanty of not knowing who it will be. I love Reeses Puffs for a midnight snack. I love playing with the hamsters that live illegally across the hall. I love my chickens. I love growing things organically. I love listening to stories about the Trinity Tacklebox in church. I love St. John's. I love understanding, loving, helpful adults. I love being treated like an adult when I want to be. I love being a kid the rest of the time. I love the fact that I'm just coming up to the age of peak physical condition. I love the U of M. I love Northfield, Minnesota. I love a challange. I love hitting the snooze button. I love all of the possibilities that I contain. I love all of the things I've inherrited. I am in love with life just now.